So things in CT have been good. My mom came and visited last week. She thought it was nice scenery here, but that the people are a bit off. She understands why every time I go to the grocery store I need to make a drink after. (I'm not kidding, I get that stressed out!) It was great having her here...Jeremy really loved it because he got to eat something different from salad for dinner.
We went to NYC and were on the search for the best black and white cookies. We thought the best one we had that day was from a place called Juniors. Why is the black and white cookie so good? Seinfeld was really onto something. Maybe we need to be on the lookout for marble rye as well. One thing not to get while in NYC would be a pretzel. Jeremy & my mom were on a missing to try food from the food carts. I tried a bit of the hard, cold pretzel and found a hair in my piece. The warm almonds from the card were mighty good and a steal of a deal. I think they were $2 for a bag.
We did almost get killed by a semi-truck getting on to the freeway. I'm not joking. I don't understand why truck drivers are so insane here. They are either riding you tail like white on rice or pass you going 85. SCARY! We made it ok, I just had to drive in the shoulder of the road for about a half mile.
Jeremy and I also thought it would be a good idea to drive to Queens after dropping my mom off at JFK. We were wrong. We thought drivers in CT were bad. New York was insane. I was fearing for my life at every turn. Why do the rules of the road mean nothing to the people here? I did like Queens, it was alot less tourist, although we ate at the most absurd French restaurant with Carla and Phin. We actually got into a fight with the waiter and manager. They told us that just to sit at their table was $15 and that no one is allowed to just order appetizers. It is a really long story, but that was basically the gist of it. The manager yelled at us and told Carla that she had never eaten at their other restaurant. It was quite comical and unbelievable all at the same time. After that we did hit up this really cool bar that was like Germany at Octoberfest. All in all in was a good night after we de-stressed from the drive in.
Also, getting to JFK was not bad. Talking to people from here you would have thought that we would have been in traffic for 5 hours. Obviously these people have never been to LA and have no real concept of traffic. Even going around the airport wasn't bad. The San Diego airport has more traffic than the Jet Blue terminal at JFK.
Since it is October we are starting to get into Halloween. We carved a pumpkin this weekend while watching a couple of scary movies....Pumpkin Head and Cabin Fever. Both solidified my hate for scary movies. I seriously felt nauseous after Cabin Fever, it was so gross & bloody, although it was kinda fun to laugh at. With lines like "He asked us for our help and we lit him on fire" and "Why would you shoot a squirrel?" ..."because they are gay."
Anyways,here is s a picture of our little guy on the drive home. His name is Jack and when he gets excited his smile just lights up!
I did see the funniest thing this weekend while driving to the gym. This lady was walking on the sidewalk with one of those baby carriers on the front of her chest, but instead of a baby being in the carrier....her dog was. Seriously!!! Get a leash!!! And they say people in LA are bad.
On a side note, I would also like to address all of the people who said that they thought I was from the East Coast. I am deeply offended. After being here for almost exactly two months, I do not see ANY correlation between myself and the people in New Haven. Except for the fact that I am not blonde. If any of you would like to discuss this more, you know who you are and you know my number.
Onto more happenings in our life....
While walking home from watching The Darjeeling Limited, Jeremy and I almost got our butts kicked by some kids on bikes. We were just crossing the street when this gang of 13 year olds almost ran us over on their bikes. Jeremy stared the one kid down and they yelled some obscenities. I cannot describe the look this one kid had on his face. I think if he had a gun he would have shot us. Jeremy claims he would have crushed the kid, but I didn't really want to chance it since he had his posse with him and Jeremy just had me. I mean...I have been working on my guns, but I'm not sure I could fight some 13 yr old kids and win. Sad, but true.
Yes. We do live in a bit of the ghetto. This has proven it. Along with the bums telling my mom she was pretty and asking her to give them money. New Haven is definitely a strange place.
We are still on the hunt for a kitchen table. The tag sales are proving to be, how do you say, terrible. Maybe they should try having garage sales, you know, having enough stuff on your lawn to fill a garage, not one table on a street corner.
Well, I think that is about it for now. Here are some pictures of the area, along with some from our trip to NYC with my mom.
My place of employment...Casey Family Services
In FAO Schwartz playing the piano from Big
The view of the street that we live on
The colors are starting to change. It must be fall!
One of the buildings at Yale
Another Yale Building