So one of my loyal readers has asked for me to blog about some wedding updates. Well, Murray man stan, here you go…I am not sure that you wanted to open this bag of worms, the wedding planning is kind of like Pandora’s box right now. I feel like if I don’t talk about it nothing more can go wrong. Alright, I’m gonna let it fly!
Let me just say, I wish we had eloped. I had mentioned it in the beginning but was told by my mother and best friend (who ironically just eloped) that they would hunt me down and kill me if I eloped without them. Jeremy also agreed that I wouldn’t be happy if we went to Vegas or something, but I think he is regretting that he talked me out of the “easy” route.
Weddings are notoriously stressful and I know this. My work experience is in event planning, so really I wasn’t that worried. It’s not so much that the planning has been stressful. We had all of the big stuff nailed down before we moved. Recently, there has just been some bumps…or should I say...sinkholes along the way.
What? Sinkholes? Angela…you are so dramatic! Maybe I am, but then again….After announcing the engagement I proceeded to have two nervous breakdowns concerning aspects of the ceremony. I won’t get into details because it is personal and those breakdowns have been talked about and we are over them. Next, up…sticking to the budget. Of course, we are on a budget…I am no Paris Hilton, I don’t come from “old money”, and right about now I wish that I had been born a trust fund baby.
We have been pretty on track with finding steals and deals, we are getting a lot of help from family and friends (thank you!), but somehow things are starting to go wrong. First of all…the dress…Ok, I didn’t totally go WAY insane and get a dress for thousands of dollars or even a thousand dollars, but we spent a more than expected on this. Of course it will be totally worth it because I am going to look SO amazing and everyone will tell me how pretty I am (P.S. if you are invited to the wedding you better be showering me with compliments).
About a month ago we found out that our DJ quit on us. My Aunt and Uncle have graciously taken care of the DJ for us (I can’t tell you how grateful we are for this), but due to technical difficulties…he quit on us. This was resolved pretty quickly, my Aunt found another awesome DJ for us! So that was really just a little hiccup.
I have also been stressing about my bridesmaids, except for Melinda because she is the only one who has purchased her dress. Thank you Melinda, you will be getting a prize!! I have felt like I have been nagging them all since November and now it is getting down to the wire. Note to readers: if you are a bridesmaid…just get the dress!!! Don’t wait till the deadline to do it, it is just one more thing that the bride has to stress about. Needless to say, I am sure they will all come though and everything work out.
The dress is really no biggie in comparison to what has hopped on our plate this week. Yes, a poop-sandwich hopped on our plate this week! Our plate before was just fine, a nice open face turkey sandwich with provolone cheese and now….a poop sandwich is there. How the hell did that transformation happen??? Linens! I wish I had a team of little men to sew me linens at night or if I was the girl in Enchanted and I could sing a tune and all the mice and forest animals would scurry around me and create amazing linens out of my sheets. A girl can dream can’t she? Anyways, so I thought getting linens from my old job would be no biggie, right? WRONG! I don’t know what the final say in this matter is as of today, but I'm positive there will definitely be a cost. So, I started shopping around for linens. I know that linens are super expensive from my last job, but seriously $27 for a chocolate lamour linen, that’s $27 each. It’s ridiculous and I know this already! This is just something I was not budgeting for and even if I was I wouldn't have enough money to pay $27 for a linen. I don't have a money tree in my backyard. I don't even have a backyard.Our back up plan is to get cheapo white linens and butcher paper and put crayons on the tables. I call it butcherlicous and it will be FIERCE!
Next up, a nice cup of rotting berries to accompany the poop sandwich. This would be the fact that we are having catering drama. Christie (a friend of the Beaulieu’s) is doing our catering for us. She isn’t a caterer, but she has done parties for people in the past. Since we are on a budget, she said that she would do our wedding for us. We were and still are ecstatic about this! Our venue had a list of caterers we could choose from (which we could not afford) or you could pay a small fee and do whatever you want…or so we thought. Yesterday, Christie was notified by our venue that “You must work out of a health permitted kitchen, carry workers compensation and one employee on premise must have an American Food Safety Institution Certification” What!!! I thought Jeremy was going to pass out. Yeah, we were very stressed. We are 3 months away from D-day, how are we going to find a new caterer and better yet how are we going to pay for it?? Discussions of canceling the wedding were occurring last night. Thank you for vino!!! After a large glass of wine I just passed out.
WAIT!! Hold on…our regularly scheduled blog has been interrupted by a news break…
Breaking news…Christie just emailed me and we are in the clear. She will have her American Food Safety Institution Certification in time for the wedding!!!!
Seriously, as I am writing, I just found out this information. No more rotting berries!!!! The poop-sandwich is a little less stinky!!! The liability insurance has also been worked out as well!!!
Ok, so that makes things a hell of a lot better! So there is your up to the minute Schacalieu wedding update.
Are you sorry you asked?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Boredom Blogging
Last Friday was super snowy. It basically snowed all day. My work was closed so I got to relax at home and watch everything turn white outside. The snow is sill on the ground today, but it is suppose to rain soon so I don’t know how long that will be “sticking” around. (that is some snow humor for you all)
All I know is that I cannot wait for my trip home to California at the end of March!!! Jeremy is worried that I will go to visit and will never come back. I think his worries are genuine. Hopefully it will be sunny and nice, not rainy. Then I may really not come back to New Haven.
This weekend was pretty boring except that we went out for a birthday dinner for someone Jeremy goes to school with and then went to see a rockabilly band at a nearby bar. The band was fun to listen to and we had a good time.
In other extremely exciting Schacalieu news….Jeremy and I have finally found a sushi place to frequent!!! If you don’t know, we have been on the search to find an awesome sushi place since we arrived in Connecticut. We have tried a lot of places and they were all pretty good, but they all were lacking in some area. If they had good rolls, then they didn’t have sashimi-- if they had good rolls & sashimi, then the ambiance sucked. Basically, we were looking for a place that would be on the same level as Zen 5 (reggae & sushi) in San Diego. We have finally found a place that plays music (not reggae), has good rolls and sashimi that aren’t too expensive, and has good service (actually the service is a bit TOO fast, but I guess you just can’t have everything). So, the search is over for a regular sushi place.
That’s all from the East, hopefully I will have a more interesting post next time. Truthfully I am just bored at work so I figured I would update the blog.
All I know is that I cannot wait for my trip home to California at the end of March!!! Jeremy is worried that I will go to visit and will never come back. I think his worries are genuine. Hopefully it will be sunny and nice, not rainy. Then I may really not come back to New Haven.
This weekend was pretty boring except that we went out for a birthday dinner for someone Jeremy goes to school with and then went to see a rockabilly band at a nearby bar. The band was fun to listen to and we had a good time.
In other extremely exciting Schacalieu news….Jeremy and I have finally found a sushi place to frequent!!! If you don’t know, we have been on the search to find an awesome sushi place since we arrived in Connecticut. We have tried a lot of places and they were all pretty good, but they all were lacking in some area. If they had good rolls, then they didn’t have sashimi-- if they had good rolls & sashimi, then the ambiance sucked. Basically, we were looking for a place that would be on the same level as Zen 5 (reggae & sushi) in San Diego. We have finally found a place that plays music (not reggae), has good rolls and sashimi that aren’t too expensive, and has good service (actually the service is a bit TOO fast, but I guess you just can’t have everything). So, the search is over for a regular sushi place.
That’s all from the East, hopefully I will have a more interesting post next time. Truthfully I am just bored at work so I figured I would update the blog.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Finally, something to write about!
Wow! It has been a super long time since I have posted anything. I would like to say my excuse is that we have just been leading such a busy and exciting life, but alas that is not the case. We are just boring.
Yes, it has been pretty cold here. It has been staying around 35 degrees, but it has dropped down into the 20s and the teens. I think one day with the windchill it was around 3 degrees. Yeah, it's cold! Although I think it is suppose to be 50 on Monday...weird, but I plan on embracing it. Maybe I will actually break my promise of not running outside until March and hit the streets instead of the treadmill.
So what is new with us? Seriously...not much. Jeremy is going to school. Although he did have a trip to Santa Barbara and Florida to speak at meeings and rub elbows with amazing scientist people. I have been trying to not get too depressed. I have a serious case of California Dreamin' and it's not helping that I am bored stiff at my job and can't seem to find any kind of promising job prospects. I am trying to keep positive, I'm sure something will come up soon.
This past week we did have our first out-of-state friend visit. (to clarify: my mom did visit us and so did Phin, so Ian was not our first visitor, but he was our first friend from CA to visit) Ian made the trip out and stayed with us from Sunday until early Friday morning. We hope he had a good time. It was great seeing him and we tried to show him all that Connecticut had to offer....which isn't a whole hell of a lot. Although, we did eat some good food.
Jeremy was able to show Ian the sights of Yale. Ian took some pictures of the amazing architecture of the campus. We ate some amazing tapas at my new favorite restaurant, Barcelona. Jeremy and I both took Thursday off so that we could spend the day sightseeing. Thursday was also Valentine's day, so you know there was alot of romance to be had. We took a ride up the coast. We ate some chowder at the USS Chowder Pot.

The decor was very nautical and the chowder was pretty good. Jeremy realized his love for Rhode Island style clam chowder. We had all never heard of it before. It was tasty. If you don't has a clear, chicken soup syle broth. We saw the "beach" at Branford and walked around the town of Guilford. Drove around some more and saw a seriously weird apartment building that we all thought was pretty cool.
After seeing all that New London had to offer, we were exhausted and in need of substinance. Who wouldn't be? I mean taking a trip to the post office really takes it out of you. We headed back to New Haven to satisfy Ian's need for a slice. We went to the famous Pepe's Pizza. Jeremy and I had never been there, so we were all excited to try some of this pizza. The pizza was delicious. The only thing that took away from the experience was a man at the booth behind us. He had some kind of cold and kept sucking up his snot. It was really loud and disgusting and did not stop the whole time we were there. Somehow that made taking a bite into the pizza just a little less appetizing, but we were troopers and still ate. The pizza we got was huge...mama mia!!!

Thursday night we made our way to the Peabody Museum. There was a exhibit opening and Jeremy had done an illustration that was on one of the exhibit walls. It was great to see what he will be working on for the next 4 years. I finally understand what he is doing...kinda.
After the exhibit we went to the local dive bar and chatted it up with a few people from Jeremy's lab and then headed home to finish our romantic day off with some episodes of Arrested Development.
Friday morning came way too soon. Ian had to be at the train station by 6am, so it was an early morning after not enough sleep. Friday was rough for me (note to self-2 gin & tonics are too much!) but I made it through. Now we have a 3-day weekend. Well, I have a 3-day weekend, Jeremy is going to school on Monday. If the weather permits we are going to walk up East Rock since Jeremy hasn't made it up there yet. It is a huge rock that is right by our house. Apparently there is another half of the rock on another continent (I can't remember where right now, I will consult my encyclopedia...Jeremy and get back to you on that). Anyways once you get to the top there is a pretty awesome view of New Haven.
Miss you all! Our place is always open for visitors. I know you will all be rushing to visit after reading all of the fun that is to be had in Connecticut. Don't you all call me at once!!!
Yes, it has been pretty cold here. It has been staying around 35 degrees, but it has dropped down into the 20s and the teens. I think one day with the windchill it was around 3 degrees. Yeah, it's cold! Although I think it is suppose to be 50 on Monday...weird, but I plan on embracing it. Maybe I will actually break my promise of not running outside until March and hit the streets instead of the treadmill.
So what is new with us? Seriously...not much. Jeremy is going to school. Although he did have a trip to Santa Barbara and Florida to speak at meeings and rub elbows with amazing scientist people. I have been trying to not get too depressed. I have a serious case of California Dreamin' and it's not helping that I am bored stiff at my job and can't seem to find any kind of promising job prospects. I am trying to keep positive, I'm sure something will come up soon.
This past week we did have our first out-of-state friend visit. (to clarify: my mom did visit us and so did Phin, so Ian was not our first visitor, but he was our first friend from CA to visit) Ian made the trip out and stayed with us from Sunday until early Friday morning. We hope he had a good time. It was great seeing him and we tried to show him all that Connecticut had to offer....which isn't a whole hell of a lot. Although, we did eat some good food.
Jeremy was able to show Ian the sights of Yale. Ian took some pictures of the amazing architecture of the campus. We ate some amazing tapas at my new favorite restaurant, Barcelona. Jeremy and I both took Thursday off so that we could spend the day sightseeing. Thursday was also Valentine's day, so you know there was alot of romance to be had. We took a ride up the coast. We ate some chowder at the USS Chowder Pot.
The decor was very nautical and the chowder was pretty good. Jeremy realized his love for Rhode Island style clam chowder. We had all never heard of it before. It was tasty. If you don't has a clear, chicken soup syle broth. We saw the "beach" at Branford and walked around the town of Guilford. Drove around some more and saw a seriously weird apartment building that we all thought was pretty cool.
After that, Jeremy wanted to drive over some "really cool" bridge. Instead of driving over the bridge that we couldn't seem to find, we took a stroll in New London. On the way into New London Ian looked up the town to see some facts. He did find a top 10 things to do in New London list and if you haven't heard New London is pretty exciting. The number 10 thing to do in New London was "go to the post office." What!!! There is nothing better to do, than take a trip to the post office?!? Unbelievable. There really wasn't that much in New London, but they were constructing a Calypso bar, so hopefully that will take over the number 10 spot.
After seeing all that New London had to offer, we were exhausted and in need of substinance. Who wouldn't be? I mean taking a trip to the post office really takes it out of you. We headed back to New Haven to satisfy Ian's need for a slice. We went to the famous Pepe's Pizza. Jeremy and I had never been there, so we were all excited to try some of this pizza. The pizza was delicious. The only thing that took away from the experience was a man at the booth behind us. He had some kind of cold and kept sucking up his snot. It was really loud and disgusting and did not stop the whole time we were there. Somehow that made taking a bite into the pizza just a little less appetizing, but we were troopers and still ate. The pizza we got was huge...mama mia!!!
Thursday night we made our way to the Peabody Museum. There was a exhibit opening and Jeremy had done an illustration that was on one of the exhibit walls. It was great to see what he will be working on for the next 4 years. I finally understand what he is doing...kinda.
After the exhibit we went to the local dive bar and chatted it up with a few people from Jeremy's lab and then headed home to finish our romantic day off with some episodes of Arrested Development.
Friday morning came way too soon. Ian had to be at the train station by 6am, so it was an early morning after not enough sleep. Friday was rough for me (note to self-2 gin & tonics are too much!) but I made it through. Now we have a 3-day weekend. Well, I have a 3-day weekend, Jeremy is going to school on Monday. If the weather permits we are going to walk up East Rock since Jeremy hasn't made it up there yet. It is a huge rock that is right by our house. Apparently there is another half of the rock on another continent (I can't remember where right now, I will consult my encyclopedia...Jeremy and get back to you on that). Anyways once you get to the top there is a pretty awesome view of New Haven.
Miss you all! Our place is always open for visitors. I know you will all be rushing to visit after reading all of the fun that is to be had in Connecticut. Don't you all call me at once!!!
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