One of the things Jeremy misses most about Morro Bay would have to be his compost pile. Yes, if you didn’t know it already Jeremy is a hippie disguised as a distinguished Yale student. Well, a couple weekends ago Jeremy put his brain power and old man strength together to build The Schacalieu’s a compost bin. Yes, Jeremy has the strength of an old man, which means you don’t expect him to be that strong (by the looks of his lanky body) and are surprised at the jar caps he can twist open or the fact that he can pick you up.
Old Man Jeremy borrowed a table saw from a Yalie friend. He was going totally ‘green’ in his building plans (code for he is cheap and didn’t want to buy wood at Home Depot) and found an old wood palate down in our basement. The palate had some holes in it from where spiders used it as a home to birth their babies, so it was definitely perfect for our compost bin. Actually, it did turn out to be perfect and Jeremy was able to use all of the wood from it, transform the palate into a compost bin, and only throw away two wood scraps.
Jeremy was not injured in the building of the compost bin, no animals were harmed either. My finger got jabbed with a screwdriver, but that was the only casualty. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon. Jeremy was so proud of himself he kept checking on the bin and asking me if it looked good. We commented on the rustic look of the bin and he said that ‘rustic’ was the exact look he was going for.
The following day we drove all the way to New Haven to go to Ikea for a glass container. I assured Jeremy that this type of container could be bought somewhere else, but his Yalie friend said they got their’s from Ikea…so we were off. Jeremy had ants in his pants and we arrived to Ikea before it was officially open. Have you ever been to Ikea before it is open? It’s hilarious. I would say about 75 people were there eating breakfast and then lining up. It was like the start of a 5K race. They have all the entrances roped off. To be funny, Jeremy started stretching. If I wrote for a sit-com I would do an Ikea episode where they get to Ikea early and the people just start charging the entrance.
We got two containers, one for us and one for our neighbor. We plan on hippie-fying Connecticut one neighbor at a time!

Old Man Jeremy borrowed a table saw from a Yalie friend. He was going totally ‘green’ in his building plans (code for he is cheap and didn’t want to buy wood at Home Depot) and found an old wood palate down in our basement. The palate had some holes in it from where spiders used it as a home to birth their babies, so it was definitely perfect for our compost bin. Actually, it did turn out to be perfect and Jeremy was able to use all of the wood from it, transform the palate into a compost bin, and only throw away two wood scraps.
Jeremy was not injured in the building of the compost bin, no animals were harmed either. My finger got jabbed with a screwdriver, but that was the only casualty. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon. Jeremy was so proud of himself he kept checking on the bin and asking me if it looked good. We commented on the rustic look of the bin and he said that ‘rustic’ was the exact look he was going for.
The following day we drove all the way to New Haven to go to Ikea for a glass container. I assured Jeremy that this type of container could be bought somewhere else, but his Yalie friend said they got their’s from Ikea…so we were off. Jeremy had ants in his pants and we arrived to Ikea before it was officially open. Have you ever been to Ikea before it is open? It’s hilarious. I would say about 75 people were there eating breakfast and then lining up. It was like the start of a 5K race. They have all the entrances roped off. To be funny, Jeremy started stretching. If I wrote for a sit-com I would do an Ikea episode where they get to Ikea early and the people just start charging the entrance.
We got two containers, one for us and one for our neighbor. We plan on hippie-fying Connecticut one neighbor at a time!
The compost bin in all of it's glory, complete with hinging door