This is my cute outfit to try and stay warm inside the house. I'm heating my hands over the stove. Not to worry, we do have heating but since we are on the top floor we haven't had to turn it on...yet.
This weekend Jeremy and I took a field trip to Hartford. It's about 40 minutes away from New Haven. I wish I had my camera because the colors were beautiful. I have never seen a red leaves like that before. Anyways, we headed to Hartford to check out Crate & Barrel for registering. That's right...we can't wait to get asparagus tongs and wine glasses. ha ha! Registering was fun, I think I always want to shop with a scanner. It adds a nice element to browsing. Realizing that our day out was spent registering for stuff, we felt so domesticated. We didn't have enough time for Home Depot and Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but maybe next weekend.
The Crate & Barrel was actually in West Hartford and had alot of cute shops and restaurants in about a three block area. All around the area were painted cows. I didn't have my camera to take any goofy pictures, but here is one that I found on the web. I plan on going back and taking oodles of pictures with the cows.

We also found a Whole Foods there!!! I was ecstatic. We didn't go in though because we found it as we were leaving. I swear, I will drive 40 minutes for their tofu and fabulous chicken & blue cheese burgers! Oh, how I miss the WF salad bar for lunch with my PEPsters.
On Sunday we went to the movies and saw American Gangster. We liked it, but don't really think that it should be getting Oscar buzz. I wouldn't deter anyone from going, but I wouldn't say you have to run out to see it either. We saw a preview for a independent film called Juno. It looks awesome! Jason Bateman is in it along with George Michael from Arrested Development. I am definitely going to run out to see this one! The movie theatre in New Haven has $5 movies on Sunday at 11am with $2 Mimosa's. They play older movies like The Princess Bride and since we are getting close to the holidays they will be showing A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. I think this is brilliant and cannot wait to go!
Next weekend we will be going to the Harvard/Yale game and plan on tailgating before. I am sure there will be some good pictures and stories!!!
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