It has been so long since I have been on my road bike. First off, the drivers are crazy here and there aren't any lovely paths like in San Diego. Secondly, the weather has been uber poopy and I am a wuss that gets cold way too easily. Thirdly, I have no one to go with me which makes riding on the roads of CT a bit nerve-wracking. Well on Saturday I had no more excuses so I dusted off the bike, filled up the flat tires, strapped on my helmet...and road. Yes! I was back in the saddle!!
I was nervous about riding since it seems like ions since I've been on my bike. I wasn't sure if I would remember how to change gears or get out of my clips. Have no fear, it all came back to me...just like riding a bike (ha ha! the saying is true).
I rode for about an hour and let me tell you there were hoards of people out. You would think that everyone had been couped up inside for months. Oh wait...we have been. It was like a parade was happening or something. So many people were out running, riding, walking, sitting at the green, the college kids were partying...seriously, there were SO many people around. It just makes you realize how desolate the town looks during the winter of dreary days. The winters here really do make you really appreciate California. There you forget how nice the sun is...because it's out all the time. You take for granted that you can go ride your bike any day of the week or swim outdoors. I wish I could go back in time and re-do my time in San Diego. Ah, when will time travel be possible? Oh well, I just have to make the most of the nice days here and when we go back to California I will never forget how great the weather really is there.
The week here is suppose to be dark and rainy, but the sun is suppose to come back for the weekend and be in the 70s-80s. whoo hoo! Oh, Schacalieu update...I got Jeremy a beach cruiser so he can ride to school from the train station and he is getting me one for my birthday. We ordered mine last night...hopefully we will be cruising around Fairfield this weekend. Here is the pic of what my new bike will look like. Happy early birthday to me!!!

Summer Race Update:
I am officially signed up for my first biathlon on May 3d. 2.5mi running, 10 mi bike, 2.5 mi running. Piece of cake!
The Schacalieu's (both of them) are signing up for a 5K on June 28th in Fairfield. It starts at the beach right by our house! Yes, Jeremy is actually doing it too! This will be his second 5K...he told me that this is my anniversary present. ha! They have a 1/2 marathon too, which I thought about doing, but my knee has been acting I may just do the 5K. I want to be able to walk when I'm 30, not to mention when I'm 80!
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