The cold weather and snow does really make it feel like Christmas time. Jeremy and I bought ourselves a 4’ fake Christmas tree at Wallmart this weekend. (We aren’t allowed to have the real deal in our apartment because of the fire risk.) We unpacked all of my ornaments and put on some Christmas music and decorated our little Charlie Brown Christmas tree. We put in on a box to make it look taller. It actually looks really cute. We also made stockings. What is Christmas without a stocking? Santa better fill that bad boy up!!
Good thing I've been working out...I can lift a 4' tree like it's nobody's business!
Jeremy tried to write in cursive...I think he failed that assignment
The finished product. Charlie Brown would be jealous!!
One thing that the snow and cold doesn’t make good times for is 5K runs. This past weekend, Jeremy and I, along with some of his fellow students competed in a Christmas 5K run. This was Jeremy’s first 5K and I was so excited that we would be running together. This was a small Christmas miracle! After running this weekend I decided that I won’t be running outside until April!!! It was soooo cold and I have been doing all of my running from inside a gym on the handy dandy treadmill. So…a 5K is only 3 miles, but I have never felt so terrible after running. The race started 15 minutes late, let me tell you… that did nothing trying to stay warm. My feet stayed frozen for about 2.5 miles and my throat was burning the entire time. Even though we felt like we were frozen popsicles running through the streets of New Haven, we both finished with respectable times. Jeremy finished in 28:09 minutes and I finished in 22:41. Not my fastest time, but I was ninth in my division (20-29) out of 166…so that is not bad at all. Jeremy and I both felt like we were coming down with colds after the race, so we rented Superbad and Waitress and sat like vegetables for the rest of the day.
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