Thursday, December 13, 2007

SWF Desperately Seeking Snow Boots

Well, if I thought last Friday was exciting with all the snow, imagine my excitement when my work closed at 1:00pm due to weather. That's right people, the big storm has hit the East Coast. Break out your shovels, ice scrapers, and boots!!! We were expected to get between 6-12 inches of snow today. Driving home in this mess was my first real snow driving experience. I made it home safely. Apparently the only thing that slows down Connecticut drivers is snow. Winter is rapidly becoming my favorite time of year around here.

Today I did have an epiphany....high heels do not work in the snow. I need to purchase boots...pronto! When I got ready for work this morning, I knew the terrible forecast. I also knew that practically every school in Connecticut was closed today. So....of course....I thought high heels would be proper foot wear. Somehow the heels did not work out in my favor. Traipsing through the snow to get to the parking lot was not fun. Snow was going inside my shoes and freezing my feet. When I got to my car there was about 3 inches of snow covering the saturn(of course this was the day that all the inside parking in the garage was full...go figure)! So as my car was warming up, I was busy excavating it from the snow. Needless to say, I was a bit wet and cold when I finally unearthed my car.

Moral of the story...I need to buy snow boots ASAP, but snow days do equal fun days! I spent the rest of the day getting ready for my Arbonne party and watching Ellen. It was magnificent!!! Now hopefully work is not closed tomorrow because it is our Christmas party day. That would be a bummer, although sitting inside with a hot cup of cocoa sounds very appealing right now!

It is suppose to snow again this weekend, so Saturday will be spent baking Gingerbread cookies. I will post pictures of our masterpieces this weekend.

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