Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring is in the air?

So, it is March and that means things should start warming up. Now, I'm not counting my chickens before they are hatched, but it does seem like Spring is here.

I woke up the other morning and had heard that it was suppose to be 50 degrees. I was ready to break out my tank top, but alas...the sun was not shining. Still, it looked like it could be warmer outside. I decided to put on my winter running gear consisting of tights, and two long sleeve shirts. I also had my warming head band, but when I stepped outside it seemed so nice I opted to leave the headband at home.

It was warm enough to run outside!!! I was SO excited. I didn't sleep well the night before, but the 4 mile run was just what I needed. It felt so great not to be on the treadmill. I almost forgot what running outside felt like.

Of course today it is raining and gross outside, but it has to be at least 40 degrees so that is better than 30 degrees.

Look out California! My lilly white legs will be gracing your beaches. I plan on running outside every day while I am back in California. I've been embracing the Jergens self tanner, but that doesn't seem to be helping much.

Oh well! Bring on the flowers and singing birds...Spring is here! (almost!)

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