Jeremy and I competed in our first bonspiel at curling. A bonspiel is basically a tournament and the group we play with were stoked to play the girls against boys. Unfortunately the curling club put us all into teams, so we couldn't have our duel. The good news was, Jeremy’s team and my team both won our games and therefore won our first curling pin. We now pin our flair onto our shirts when we play and practice. It’s pretty awesome! The curling club had a Christmas party as well. There was curling, food, and fun. We did the Yankee gift exchange and I came home with a fabulous pair of Lamb Chop slippers, although Gideon and scary Judy kept trying to steal them from me. Not to worry, I prevailed!! The curling season has come to an end for me, but Jeremy has decided to continue on with the sport. I will now plan on being the team’s cheerleader along with another wife/friend. I just decided I do not like being cold, although I am SO glad I tried such a random sport. Here are some pictures from when our guys vs. girls grudge match actually happened. The boys handed us our asses on a wasn't fun.
the release
the winners
Our lovely sweaters

Wind Machine in action
Christmas was really great, my mom came out to visit and I did what any good daughter would do…put her to work! I have been super busy at work preparing for our conference happening in Prague, so on Christmas Eve my mom got to come to work and help me out. Slave labor! Not really, she helped me check some lists and we went to lunch and then the day was pretty much done. After we got home from work I started preparing to make dinner. This was my first Christmas cooking a meal. This is a big deal considering I never use to cook and told my mom I was going to marry a chef and therefore I would never have to cook for her. Well, my mom finally got her wish…Christmas Eve dinner a la Angela. I decided to make a mushroom risotto and let me tell you…it was AMAZING! I’m not just tooting my own horn; this meal could have been sold in a restaurant…seriously! It did take forever to make so I was really happy it came out so good. Jeremy cooked for her on Christmas day…He made a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and Brussels. It was really good too, but not as good as the risotto!
New Year’s Eve is tomorrow and we plan on going to a party in New Haven. It should be fun and then I leave for Prague on New Year’s Day. I will be gone until January 12th, so once I get back I will be sure to post some pictures.
I have also deleted my vegan blog, not because I'm not eating vegan anymore...I just don't have time to keep up the two blogs. Sorry to anyone who was riveted.
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