So...Happy New Year!! Wow, it's been a while since I've written. We brought in our New Year with a bang...well, I guess I brought it in with a bang. As in my butt making a large bang noise as I fell down the steps at our friend's apartment. My first fall of 2009! It was a good one. I had a large bruise on my buttocks for about 2 weeks. No, I didn't fall because I was drunk either...well, maybe a little tipsy!
We braved the snow and went to a New Year's party at our friend Erem's house. We celebrated the new year their last year as well. This year the festivities turned into an all out dance party thanks to my ipod mix! It was really fun. I actually only had 2 drinks because I was leaving for Prague the next day, but since I didn't eat dinner...I was good to go. Everyone had a great time and we counted down the ball dropping...such a silly holiday, but it was a fun one!
If you've been watching the news, you would know that the weather here has been super cold. Everyone in the area is saying there hasn't been a winter this cold in quite some time. Last year's winter was a joke in comparison to what we've endured this winter. The good news is...things may be looking up!
We had our first short taste of spring this past Sunday. We had a record breaking temperature of 50. I never in my life would have thought that 50 would be considered “warm” in my book. I was excited for days upon hearing that it was going to be 50 on Sunday, and sure enough…the weather forecasters did not disappoint. It was warm and lovely. I was excited because I could actually run outside. I am prepping to do a half marathon on April 5th, so it was nice to do a longer run outside and not on the treadmill. Today it is in the 40s, so I’m not sure how long this “nice, warm” weather will last. I’m trying to enjoy it as much as possible. It’s nice too because after two quite large heating bills, we have both decided to turn on the heater as little as possible. This means we are cold most of the time and I am now wearing my heavy coat indoors. It’s pretty hilarious!
January was a blur. I was in Prague for the beginning of January and Jeremy went to California almost as soon as I got back. The secret to our relationship is to keep it as long distance as possible. Ha ha! Actually, the past couple of weekends we have been enjoying some quiet time and catching up on Lost and seeing some movies. We are all caught up on Lost (it only took a couple months to watch 4 seasons), so now we can actually talk to people about it in real time! We have seen Slumdog Millionaire and this past weekend saw Milk. Both movies were great, but Milk really deserves an Oscar.
Jeremy is still curling. He’s had a couple weeks off, but on February 20th we are going to Boston. His team is competing in their first away bonspiel. They are excited, and Wendy and I (the supportive curling wives) plan to watch their tournament on Friday and then have some fun in Boston on Saturday while the curling continues. I’m sure there will be good stories coming up.
Recently, we went over to a friend’s house and watch Labyrinth. This was one of my fave movies from when I was a kid. Let me tell you…David Bowie and his tights were amazing! I had really forgotten most of the movie, but as I was re-watching it…it all came back to me. Jeremy had never seen Labyrinth before and I think he liked it. Some people there didn’t get it, but hey--their loss.
Here are some winter pictures along with some Prague pictures…enjoy!
Me with an ice-sicle from our roof
the astronomical clock-close up
approaching the clock

the city from above

old town square at night snowing

xmas lights still up

corridor in Prague

view from start of the Charles Bridge
hehe, you said "buttocks".
disregard the "its never been this cold" comments made by EVERYONE in new england. they say that either every year, or every other year.
nice icicle!
I love these pictures!
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