Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This blog is moving!!
The great thing about doing a blind tasting is that it leaves all your preconceived notions at the door. You can’t judge the beer by the label or what you normally think you like. For example, Jeremy loves Sierra Nevada, but when he blindly tasted it he commented that “it smells better than it tastes, and it tastes like poo.”
Some other great comments were "Ugh, and I thought number 6 was bad!" and "The budweiser of IPA's".
There was a good group of us there, about 14 people and it was fun hearing what everyone thought. Everyone’s results were tabulated at the end and then the beers were ranked from lowest to highest score.
The winner was...Great Divide's Titan IPA
The loser was...Berkshire IPA
After dining we made the drive back to Fairfield and fell asleep listening to the Angels/Yankees game. I was very upset when I was awoken by the announcer screaming that the Yankees won. Damn Yankees!! At least it took them 13 innings.
New Blog is Up
My new blog venture...http://2bahealthyfit.com/ ( I got my own domain name!)
It's going to be about health & fitness, something you all know I am nutty about. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Holy Winter Batman!
Last night, October 15th, what started out as rain, turned into sleet and then...snow!!! It is way too early for snow! The snow didn't really stick, it was pretty wet, but still...It has been so cold that last night Jeremy aka The Scrooge of Heaters agreed that we should probably turn on the heater. That means it is cold. Like I've told you, last year I wasn't allowed to turn on the heater until my mom visited for Christmas.
What happened to Fall? Why did I feel the need to buy a new puffy coat today that goes down to my ankles??? Blame it on the weather...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Leaf Peeping
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Gym Rat Shuffle
Fitness Edge has now switched to an online registration system. Apparently their front desk people are over worked…must be all the smoothies they are making. (Special Note: I have never once seen anyone waiting for a smoothie.) I don’t mind the system going online, what I do mind is that I now must wake up before 5am so that I can get to their website and press “reserve” on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings so that I can get a bike for the next day’s class. On Wednesday morning the Thursday class was totally reserved (27 bikes) in two minutes. This is crazy!!! I sat in bed with my laptop and just laughed at the absurdity of how fast the class filled up.
I have belonged to many a gym before and have never encountered spin classes being totally packed at all hours. This is becoming so insane! It’s almost like Russian Roulette or something. The other crazy thing to me is that everyone at the spin class the next day is talking about how fast the class fills up. It is gymsanity.
I really think the solution is to move the class from 5:45am to 5:30am so that they could have a 6:30am class afterwards or build a bigger bike studio. The bike studio is pretty small and the bikes are very worn down. Maybe they need to start charging more that $19.99 a month and stop having so many promo’s for people to join the gym. I should write them a letter…
I know-- a good solution to my problem would be to actually ride my road bike outside. Brilliant! Right?...Wrong. I am so scared to ride out here. The road’s are poor there is little to no bike lane, drivers are crazy, and I have no one to ride with. I have looked into tri-clubs, but the one closest to be is uber competitive and the other one is a bit far away to make it for rides by 6am on a Sunday. For these reasons, I will remain a slave to my computer at 4:55 in the morning. It’s actually not that bad, it’s just that I cannot believe how many people are vying for spots for a 5:45am spin class. I guess they are all just as crazy as me about getting a good workout in before starting the day.
Here’s to working out and waking up before the sun comes up!
Friday, September 11, 2009
It may be Fall
With the birth of Fall it means that I don't have to sweat for no reason! That is good news since I started using natural deodorant (I know earth mother here I come). Jeremy always gives me crap about using antiperspirant and how the chemicals are horrible for you, it may lead to Alzheimer's, blah, blah, blah. Well, this summer I decided I would try out being a true hippie and just use all natural deodorant. We were at Whole (Paycheck) Foods and we went by the natural cosmetics isle. I decided to stop and peruse the deodorant section. Sure enough, some smelled pretty granola--I'm talking patchouli oil scents here people! I couldn't hang with that and went for some kind of lavender smell. Of course, two days after I purchased my way to hippiedom, the humidity spiked up and I was really rethinking my choices.
I do not like to sweat unless I am running/spinning/hiking/shopping. I'm talking real sweat starting activities. Seriously though, if I'm a sweaty mess and haven't just come back from a 4mile run, I am not a happy camper. Just ask Jeremy. I proceed to have serious are-you-kidding-me meltdowns. You really don't want to get to know that side of me. It's not pretty.
I have to say this summer only produced about 2 weeks of unbearable sweating as far as I'm concerned. I cursed Jeremy's name more than once since he is against us getting a air conditioning unit. His motto is basically no air in the summer, no heat in the winter. Last winter I wasn't allowed to put the heater on until my mom came for Christmas. He would just tell me to put another sweater and a beanie on. Hello--pipes can freeze out here Scrooge! Don't get me started on the no cable rule. Anyhoo, the compromise to the no air conditioner fight was getting an input/output fan that you put in your window. I swear it made our room at least 10 degrees cooler.
It was a good summer. I will miss laying out on the beach and listening to the high schoolers talk about boys and the college kids talk about being a drunken mess the night before and who's sleeping with who. I will miss the long hours in the day and riding our bikes in the evening. We also saw a few good shows this summer in New York--Pete Seger's outdoor festival & Old Crow Medicine Show. I saw Britney (for free), but that doesn't really count as a "good show".
I will miss summer, but I am more excited for Fall. I love sweaters and boots. Yes, pretty much everything that is important to me is wrapped in my love for commercialism. I love being able to run outside and not have the humidity stifle my breathing. I'm looking forward to our 2 night trip to Lenox, Mass to be "leaf peepers". I also see some apple picking in the future and pumpkin muffins!
I really hope that the weather gods are not tricking me. They better not be luring me into Fall and then plan on bitch-slapping me with an Indian Summer. Not cool weather gods, not cool. I guess time will tell.
Monday, August 3, 2009
S.O.S (Summer of Schacalieu)
Old Man Jeremy borrowed a table saw from a Yalie friend. He was going totally ‘green’ in his building plans (code for he is cheap and didn’t want to buy wood at Home Depot) and found an old wood palate down in our basement. The palate had some holes in it from where spiders used it as a home to birth their babies, so it was definitely perfect for our compost bin. Actually, it did turn out to be perfect and Jeremy was able to use all of the wood from it, transform the palate into a compost bin, and only throw away two wood scraps.
Jeremy was not injured in the building of the compost bin, no animals were harmed either. My finger got jabbed with a screwdriver, but that was the only casualty. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon. Jeremy was so proud of himself he kept checking on the bin and asking me if it looked good. We commented on the rustic look of the bin and he said that ‘rustic’ was the exact look he was going for.
The following day we drove all the way to New Haven to go to Ikea for a glass container. I assured Jeremy that this type of container could be bought somewhere else, but his Yalie friend said they got their’s from Ikea…so we were off. Jeremy had ants in his pants and we arrived to Ikea before it was officially open. Have you ever been to Ikea before it is open? It’s hilarious. I would say about 75 people were there eating breakfast and then lining up. It was like the start of a 5K race. They have all the entrances roped off. To be funny, Jeremy started stretching. If I wrote for a sit-com I would do an Ikea episode where they get to Ikea early and the people just start charging the entrance.
We got two containers, one for us and one for our neighbor. We plan on hippie-fying Connecticut one neighbor at a time!
Monday, July 27, 2009
S.O.S (Summer of Schacalieu
As many of you know from previous posts, Jeremy and I got ourselves some pretty sweet cruisers. The weather has finally warmed up (now too much) and we’ve been crusin’ all over the fine town of Fairfield.
It took a while for summer to actually warm up, but once it did we had a few weekends of pure beauty. Sunshine, no humidity-- it was loveliness! Those days are now gone and we are forced to endure sticky, warm, disgusting days. UGH, I’d rather it be snowing!! Seriously, I would rather be wrapped up in a sleeping bag jacket in our house because Jeremy won’t let us turn the heat on instead of sweating my ass off when trying to sleep, waking up because I’m so thirsty, oh and did I mention sweating my ass off because the love of my life won’t let us put a window air-conditioning unit in our room. I did force him to let me by another fan, so at least I got that!
Back to the few lovely weekends we had before they were interrupted by agony in the form of humidity. Yes, we have been cruising all over Fairfield and Jeremy has finally admitted to loving where we live. We’ve been going on bike rides every weekend and during the week after dinner on nights that it is nice out. Fairfield has free concerts on the green on Wednesday’s and Sunday’s so we’ve been checking those out as well. The last one we went to was an Irish band…it was hilarious…they were straight out of the movie, ‘A Mighty Wind.’ Needless to say we ate our dinner and then made a run (or should I say ride) for it.
We started a garden on the side of our apartment building with our neighbor, her veggies are soaring while ours are looking a little sad. We started from seeds and she started with starters…next year we’ll have a better plan. We planted lettuce, tomatoes, beans, basil, so far we’ve only been able to use the basil.
We’ve also been hanging out on the beach on the weekends. I say beach, but it is still like a really big lake to me. We ventured down there with some friends to play bocce ball and there were all kinds of horseshoe crabs. They are crazy looking and I think they were mating. Fun times!
In other summery news, we bought a little mini bbq at Target for $14 (hey big spenders!) and that thing is getting more action than Tom Cruise when he was in ‘Top Gun’. Jeremy is becoming a grilling pro and it’s nice to be eating outside on our little deck. Jeremy gets excited when he gets to marinade and then everytime tells me the secret is to keep brushing it on. Thanks for the news flash Jer, yeah…I know this trick already. Since I decided to stop being vegan, it’s more fun for Jeremy since he gets to cook chicken instead of tofu…he feels more manly and isn’t hungry all the time. We are now only buying organic meats that have no chemicals pumped into them. I may be crazy, but I think you can really see and taste a difference.
Ian, Alisha and the kids made an east-coast trip and stayed with us for a few days. It was great having them around. Bella and Peyton are growing up so fast. The really are good kids and fun to be around. We hung out in Fairfield with them, took them to the beach to hunt for sea shells and see some sand sculptures that were being built. Jeremy took them out for pizza multiple times and also to the Yale Museum. The only “bad” event was seeing Transformers 2. The kids were so excited to see the movie and it had just come out, so we all went. Let me just say, from the first 5 minutes, I knew it was going to be the longest 2.5 hours of my life. I will never get that time back. Yeah, it was horrible. Other than that, we had a great time and it was awesome to catch up with Ian and Alisha. We were suppose to meet them in NYC for 4th of July for fun and fireworks, but I had to ruin that weekend and get sick. It was a big bummer! What are you going to do? It was better I get sick then since I had a huge program coming up for work. Jeremy did force me to ride bikes down to the beach for fireworks and I’m glad he did. I love fireworks!!
S.O.S (Summer of Schacalieu)
Summer started off in celebration. We went to Vegas to celebrate my dad’s 60th birthday. We weren’t sure what to expect (you know how family trips can be), but it turned out to be a really awesome and fun trip! My Aunt Shonda and Uncle Phil made the trip out, as did my brother and his girl friend (just a girl that is a friend, not a girlfriend?) Caroline, and so did our friend’s Myles and Laurie. It was great to see everyone and hanging out with Myles and Laurie was like old times. Laurie actually almost killed herself at a lunch outing. Now, there was some drinking involved, but not enough for what happened.

On Sunday, Jeremy, my dad, and I started gambling together. We would take turns pressing the button and we would give ourselves a limit…if we won so much we would stop and move to the next machine, if we lost so much we would stop and move to the next machine. We did this for most of Sunday until it was time to see Love. I also got my first “free” drink in all my Vegas visits. Whoo hoo! Now we were talking!

Waiting in line for Love

Posing at Revolution Bar

Bday Cake

Bull Riders

More of S.O.S to come in later posts!
Friday, May 22, 2009
If only Cheney knew how to deal with terrorists this way...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Make new friends? Definitely keep the old!
This past weekend our friends Mark & Dina were in NYC for one day only. Jer and I drove up to JFK to pick them up and then we went over to Phin & Carla's for a day of jam-packed fun. They had a one day layover (more like 18 hours) from coming home from a trip to Italy.
We haven't seen Mark & Dina in almost a year. The last time was at our wedding, so it was great to see them. Phin had a great day planned of showing them some of the bigger NYC sites, so we went to Grand Central, Central Park, and (our all-time fav) the beer garden.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The twins have arrived!
and Corinne!
Congratulations to Rene & Doug!! There hand are going to be quite full for quite a while!
Here are their stats from their birday, May 7th:
Jackson- 4lbs, 11oz & 18" long
Corinne- 5lbs, 0.5oz & 18.5" long
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Circle of Life
Jeremy’s brother and his brother’s wife (Corey & Caroline) made the trip out from Boston. When Jeremy’s sister picked us up from the airport it was nice to see each other, but of course we all wished it was under different circumstances.
I’ve never really had to say goodbye to someone I loved before. My grandma died of Alzheimer’s and my memory of her is filled with visits to the home and looking into her eyes which seemed to be begging for help, but her voice was unable to express any of her thoughts. I was close to my grandma as a child, but I was really young when she got sick so my memories of her are mostly of when she was sick.
Jeremy and everyone was holding up as well as possible. I think there is comfort in family and knowing that you are not alone with your feelings. I think that having all of us there perked up his grandfather at times. He made a few jokes and was pretty coherent. He was sleeping most of the time and not eating much. It was tough to see him laying on a bed in the living room, but he did seem as comfortable as possible.
As all of this was going on I was receiving updates on the birth of my best friend’s twin babies. Corrine and Jackson were born on May 7th at 1:42 and 1:43pm. The same night we got the call about Jeremy’s grandpa, I got a call from Rene saying that they were going to be born. It just goes to show you that life and death really is a circle. Mom and babies are happy and healthy, hoping to go home sometime this week.
Even though death is such a hard reality to face it makes you realize how precious life is and that you really have to make the most of your time. Life is too short to stress and worry about all the little things that go wrong or not the way you expect.
Leaving Sacramento and actually saying goodbye was extremely hard, knowing that it may be the last time we get to say goodbye. We are thankful for the time we got to spend with Norman (dubbed by Caroline as “Bullet”) this past weekend. Now, we will just wait for updates from his Mom and hope that he is comfortable.
Here are a couple of quotes that I thought really express my thoughts over the past weekend.
“It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place, on the path unwinding” -Elton John
“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”.—Abraham Lincoln
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
All About Me: The Blog

Monday, April 20, 2009
Wonderful Weekend
It has been so long since I have been on my road bike. First off, the drivers are crazy here and there aren't any lovely paths like in San Diego. Secondly, the weather has been uber poopy and I am a wuss that gets cold way too easily. Thirdly, I have no one to go with me which makes riding on the roads of CT a bit nerve-wracking. Well on Saturday I had no more excuses so I dusted off the bike, filled up the flat tires, strapped on my helmet...and road. Yes! I was back in the saddle!!
I was nervous about riding since it seems like ions since I've been on my bike. I wasn't sure if I would remember how to change gears or get out of my clips. Have no fear, it all came back to me...just like riding a bike (ha ha! the saying is true).
I rode for about an hour and let me tell you there were hoards of people out. You would think that everyone had been couped up inside for months. Oh wait...we have been. It was like a parade was happening or something. So many people were out running, riding, walking, sitting at the green, the college kids were partying...seriously, there were SO many people around. It just makes you realize how desolate the town looks during the winter of dreary days. The winters here really do make you really appreciate California. There you forget how nice the sun is...because it's out all the time. You take for granted that you can go ride your bike any day of the week or swim outdoors. I wish I could go back in time and re-do my time in San Diego. Ah, when will time travel be possible? Oh well, I just have to make the most of the nice days here and when we go back to California I will never forget how great the weather really is there.
The week here is suppose to be dark and rainy, but the sun is suppose to come back for the weekend and be in the 70s-80s. whoo hoo! Oh, Schacalieu update...I got Jeremy a beach cruiser so he can ride to school from the train station and he is getting me one for my birthday. We ordered mine last night...hopefully we will be cruising around Fairfield this weekend. Here is the pic of what my new bike will look like. Happy early birthday to me!!!

Summer Race Update:
I am officially signed up for my first biathlon on May 3d. 2.5mi running, 10 mi bike, 2.5 mi running. Piece of cake!
The Schacalieu's (both of them) are signing up for a 5K on June 28th in Fairfield. It starts at the beach right by our house! Yes, Jeremy is actually doing it too! This will be his second 5K...he told me that this is my anniversary present. ha! They have a 1/2 marathon too, which I thought about doing, but my knee has been acting up...so I may just do the 5K. I want to be able to walk when I'm 30, not to mention when I'm 80!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Doin' the Danbury Shuffle
99.9% of my training was done on the good 'ole gym treadmill. Talk about monotony!! It was just way too cold and too dark to run outside in the morning. Basically, anything less than 50 is not considered running weather in my mind. I don’t like running in the evening (still to cold) because I just want to go home after work and veg (I become a lazy fat ass after 6pm). I got use to logging miles on the mill and it actually wasn’t too horrible. I did get a couple of long runs done outdoors so that was great! Plus I figured if I could run on the treadmill for over an hour, I could run outside for longer.
The race was in Danbury, which is about 40 minutes away from Fairfield. This was the latest start time for a race I ever had…10:25am. I was a bit concerned about eating too early and being hungry right before the race. This didn’t prove to be too much of a problem. It was nice to not have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to run.
It was an awesome day for running. The sun was shining and we were supposed to have temps in the high 50s. This is after it had been cloudy and stormy all day Saturday and it is rainy and dreary today (Monday). We all definitely lucked out with the weather! When we first got to the race it was pretty windy and chilly. I was worried I didn’t have enough layers on, but once 10am hit, the wind died down a bit and it got warmer. I was pretty nervous before the start—although that is usually typical for me.
So the race starts, I was on a good pace at the 1 mile checkpoint. There were some people I had in my sights I wanted to better than. One was a group of four girls in green tanks and black running skirts. I just cannot get behind the running skirts. I also cannot get behind wearing an ipod during races. Sure, we all train with them, but part of the fun of doing these races is letting yourself soak up the atmosphere and possibly even talking to people. I know...this is becoming a foreign concept. So I passed two of the four greenies early on, the final two proved to be more prepared and beat me in the end.
Really, I was feeling great for the first 8 miles. The course was a bit hilly, but I was powering along. At about mile 7 my right knee started to have some sharp pain, but I wasn’t going to let that get me. I gave my knee a good talking too and it got back in the game. Mind over matter! Actually when I am feeling tired, I like to mentally bitch slap myself...something like, hey get your ass in gear!
After mile 8 things got a bit tougher! The hills just kept coming. I was cursing each hill! This is not to say the first 8 miles didn’t have any hills, they definitely did, but my body was starting to feel ill prepared. My mental bitch slaps and/or positive pep talks weren't working anymore. During my ascent up one of the hills, a lady was sitting on her lawn, cheering the runners on. She must have seen the despair in my eyes because she told me it leveled off after the stop sign. Well, it leveled off…for about .1 miles and then the two biggest hills were next.
I started wondering how I ever did not one, but two marathons and I vowed never to do another one in my lifetime. I was also trying to keep pace with a man who must have been 75. One thing doing races has taught me is never judge anyone by how they look or what age they are. I have had to run my heart out to beat a 10 year old in a 5K and a pretty overweight dude in a 10K. This time, it was the battle royale with the old man. The old man won! While he took the hills like a champ, my legs decided to turn into a jello-y mess. I figure I must have looked like a 75 year old woman shuffling up the hills. That is definitely how I felt!
The course wasn’t well marked so mile 9 went on FOR-EV-ER. There were no race markers after mile 9. This turned out being good and bad. Bad because I thought I might die if I saw another hill on mile 9 and great because seemingly out of nowhere a volunteer shouted “One mile to go”. Even better than hearing one more mile was the fact that it was all downhill. The ladies running next to me were ecstatic and we had a short conversation about how hilly the course was.
The last .4 miles of the race were into a headwind, but then there it was the finish line around the corner…and of course Jeremy standing on the corner cheering me on. Next time I expect my big glittery sign like I was promised!
Jeremy met up with me as I was cooling down and gave me a race wrap-up. The Kenyan won (big surprise) and if I cut 15 minutes off my time I would have a chance of placing. Yeah—I’ll work on that! Who knows…maybe next time…
Don't have my official time yet, but it was 1:47 and some seconds. I'm pretty stoked with it since the Carlsbad Half was almost entirely flat and my time for that was around 1:45. All in all, I am happy with my performance. Next race: Greenwich Biathon!!
Update: Offical time & standing
214 out of 618 participants
16th (out of 71) in my age division F20-29
averaged 8:12 min miles
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A wee bit o'fun
All that said, New Haven has it's own pretty good St. Patty's Day celebration. It happens the weekend before the official holiday. They have a parade (although this is the second year in a row I have not seen it) and Anna Liffey's has Irish bands and makes for a perfect stomping ground. So Liffey's and not viewing the parade is our new tradition.
I believe I posted about last years St. Patty's Day shenanigans, so I won't go over that whole story again. This year my brother and his friend were visiting so we planned to meet up with the everyone at Wendy & Michael's house. Actually, Jeremy invited all of us over, so we were actually overtaking their apartment. We brought breakfast and morning adult beverages to satisfy everyone's needs. Needless to say, the morning started off with a bang!
We all headed to Liffey's with the intent of actually seeing the parade this year. The weather was mild and the sun was out. After some more drinking of adult beverages we all decided that the entire parade would be coming through Liffey's anyways...so why move. Plus we had mad a new friend, Leroy. We couldn't just leave Leroy...the drunk older man wearing a hat for people to do shots out of. Leroy also shared his sandwich with us...so we were indebted to him.
The Irish band was just as good this year as last year, actually I'm pretty sure it was the same band. The day concluded with the consumption of Modern pizza. Hey- we had to show the boys from Cali how pizza is really done. The East coast does have the pizza thing going for it! We also watched (feel asleep) The Big Labowski, some ate some corned beef and cabbage, and I requested a cake...so Michael made one.
All in all we had a great deal of fun and since we were asleep early, I think everyone felt pretty ok for Monday. I really think next year we should actually make it to the parade route. That is our St. Patty's goal for next year!!!!
I will update with pics soon!!!
FYI- on the actual St. Patty's Day, I wore green, but consumed no alcohol...no green beer was in my presence...well except for a 2am text of a green beer from Jeremy's mom. Thanks Tami!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Little Spring in my Step
With the warmer weather comes a more positive attitude. The cold weather, snow, and overcast skies can really make you feel tired and despondent. I don’t mean to sound like I have been so depressed lately, but the weather has really been affecting my mood. It’s not like I feel like I need to slit my wrists or anything, but I have just felt really off. I’ve been snappy, tired, and basically horrible. Before you think it—no, it has not been related to PMS. I can’t really say that anything has triggered me turning into some kind of mess except for the winter months. Well, that and my overall annoyance with the “east coast attitude”.
The winter this year has been harsher than last year and while I have gotten use to the abrasiveness of the East, I have decided I just really don’t like the attitude. Not all people from the East Coast succumb to this attitude. I have actually met some supremely nice individuals! It’s just that all the honking, all the negativity, all the people saying things “just to get your goat”, strangers passing on the street and never smiling--everything is just really taking a toll on me. I just don’t understand why people are so rude and obnoxious. Why ask me what I think and then make fun of me for it? I really miss being able to be myself and not have to worry about how someone will make fun of me or just make me feel like an all out idiot.
I had a dream last night that I was back in Morro Bay and our friends, Laurie and Myles, owned the house we use to live in. I was so excited to be there and a we were going to get a veggie burrito from Taco Temple. The dream seemed so real!!! I was getting money from the ATM at the grocery store across the street from Taco Temple, when my alarm abruptly woke me up for cycling class at 5:15am. No veggie burrito for me!!! Ah, the days of the beach and Taco Temple…I do yearn for them. Just last night Jeremy and I were reminiscing about “The Temple”. I am sure that is why I dreamt about it.
Anyways, enough of my depressing ranting and raving about the East. Things are looking up and Spring may be here to stay!! That is enough for me to turn my frown upside down. I’m sure Jeremy will appreciate my new outlook the most, considering he gets the brunt of my craziness.
Here’s to the sunshine!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bonspielin' It
Monday, February 9, 2009
Keepin On
January was a blur. I was in Prague for the beginning of January and Jeremy went to California almost as soon as I got back. The secret to our relationship is to keep it as long distance as possible. Ha ha! Actually, the past couple of weekends we have been enjoying some quiet time and catching up on Lost and seeing some movies. We are all caught up on Lost (it only took a couple months to watch 4 seasons), so now we can actually talk to people about it in real time! We have seen Slumdog Millionaire and this past weekend saw Milk. Both movies were great, but Milk really deserves an Oscar.
Jeremy is still curling. He’s had a couple weeks off, but on February 20th we are going to Boston. His team is competing in their first away bonspiel. They are excited, and Wendy and I (the supportive curling wives) plan to watch their tournament on Friday and then have some fun in Boston on Saturday while the curling continues. I’m sure there will be good stories coming up.
the astronomical clock-close up
approaching the clock

the city from above

old town square at night snowing

xmas lights still up

view from start of the Charles Bridge